In English
On this page you will find a lot of information about Gordon Setters and our Gordons in particular. Some links are to English Sites and to other breeders (also abroad). Our first breeding gordon setter bitch was Dutch Champion Gwen Gylen of Macrae. Unfortunally we lost her october 2006 at the age of only 6 and a half years old! We miss her a lot. At this moment we have Dutchess from Vancouver Castle and the Irish Setter bitch
Marlland I'll stand by you.
Since december 2017 we are the owners of Dutchess from Vancouver Castle. She also has her roots to Gwen Gylen of Macrea.

On the picture above, you see the beautiful dog Fair Finley Hunter of the Highlands (owned by fam. Wanningen), He was the son of Champion Cabalus Ebony Blizzard and Champion Gwen Gylen of Macrae. He is a mix of Australian (Triseter) and American bloodlines (Mac.Alder and Rockaplenty's).
Fair Finley is not longer with us. He died 26 of juni 2012. For ever in our heart.
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